Governor's School AssistantsThe seven governor's school assistants work as a team as counselors, teaching assistants, and role models to the students. They work with their residence hall groups, assist in classes, and attend day to day events.
Current Students | Future Students
Copyright -- Alternative Media -- Affirmative Action
Please, e-mail questions, comments, or suggestions to ketja@psu.edu
This page last updated on December 16, 2008 2:42 PM UnknownRow 2: Ruth Rudy, Ellen Cherchuck, Angie Bollinger, Dianna Ertman, Kathy Renda, Carol Trimber, Elizabeth Starling, Michele Swope, Robin Parker, Tammy Conklin, Greg Stanko, Tom Chang, Kerry Golden, Laurie Smith, Dat Nguyen, Nicole Rovner, Brenda Yanak, Sue Johnson, Peg Luckovich, Emiline Hood
Row 3: James Mortensen, Sharon Mortensen, Dana Ernst, Paula Troxell, Jennifer Perloff, Sharon Johnson, Jason Tsai, Mark Handke, Mike Hathaway, Chang Shon, Kathryn Cahir, Scott Golla Kymberly Morris, Amy O’Meara, Bill Lantz, Richard Grubb
Row 4: Helen Love, Jon Merkle, Jim Sherman, Irene Benner, Brenda Moslock, Jennie Groover, Scott Kane, Leslie Bowen, Jennifer Haberlen, Truyen Huynh, Brenton Henry, Brian McIlwain, Jennifer Mellor
Row 5: Gene Love, Jane Cooper, Steve Fuegi, Joe DuShaw, Tony Adamo, Benjamin Gruber, Jonathan Tyma, Paul Swartz, Adam Rishel, Dave Kanter, Jennifer Bolin, Dale Smith, Randy Risser, Jeff Stoltzfus, Brian Kost, Leo Faucette, Lamartine Hood
Not pictured: Deb PricePGSAS 2008
The Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences at The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA June 29 – August 2, 2008
Sponsored by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Education
Information Line
(570) 524-5244
Weekdays, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., except holidays
For all Governor’s Schools:
E-mail Queries
Deadline Notice & Procedures.....................................This Page Notification Schedule....................................................This Page Eligibility ............................................................................ Page 2 Applicant Responsibilities ................................................. Page 2 Application Procedures ..................................................... Page 2 Personal Data Form....................................................Pages 3 – 4 Science Teacher Reference Form ..............................Pages 5 – 6 Other Teacher/Adviser Reference Form ..................Pages 7 – 8 Guidance Counselor Recommendation Form........Pages 9 – 10 Program Information Sheet...................................Pages 11 – 12
The application must be completed according to the directions on pages 2 and 9 and mailed by the applicant’s Guidance Counselor no later than Friday, February 1, 2008 AND received in the Pennsylvania Department of Education no later than 4:00 p.m., Thursday, February 7, 2008.
Applications received after Thursday, February 7, 2008 will be disqualified for lateness. It is the applicant’s responsibility to make sure the application has been completed according to directions and that it has been mailed by the postmark deadline, in complete form. The Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Governor’s Schools of Excellence are not responsible for lost, incomplete or delayed applications or those sent to incorrect addresses.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education will notify Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences applicants of their final status by letter to their homes in the third week of April. The Pennsylvania Governor’s Schools of Excellence cannot respond to requests for advance notice, individual assessments or appeals.
This application form expires on February 1, 2008 and may not be used for submission after that date.
ELIGIBILITY: No exceptions are made to these requirements.
■ GRADE LEVEL AT TIME OF APPLICATION DEADLINE: Current sophomore or junior only. ■ SCHOOL ENROLLMENT: Must currently attend a public, charter or non-public secondary school, or be homeschooled. ■ PENNSYLVANIA RESIDENCY: The primary full-time residence of at least one custodial parent or legal, court-appointed
guardian of the applicant must be in Pennsylvania. Dependents of military personnel based in Pennsylvania are eligible. ■ LIMIT ON GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL APPLICATIONS: Students may apply to no more than two different Governor’s
Schools in a year. ■ NO PREVIOUS GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: No graduate of any of the eight Pennsylvania Governor’s
Schools of Excellence may apply to the same or another Pennsylvania Governor’s School. ■ COMMITMENT TO PROGRAM: If accepting an invitation to participate in a Pennsylvania Governor’s School of Excellence,
the student must commit to being in residence for the full program, June 29 – August 2, 2008. Trips home or other absences are
not allowed. Formal athletic training regimens for individual or team competitions cannot be accommodated in the program. ■ GROUNDS FOR DISQUALIFICATION: Ineligibility (see above); lateness; failure to send application to the correct office; incompleteness of the application (it must be submitted in its entirety at one time); plagiarism or falsification of information on
the application.
ADVANCE OF DEADLINE. Discuss “pre” deadlines for completing work in order to send packet off on time. ■ REVIEW ALL FORMS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE APPLICATION PROCESS. ■ SUPERVISE COMPLETION: The applicant is responsible for staying in communication with the counselor and teacher
references to make sure the application is completed appropriately and sent off by the postmark deadline. ■ REFRAIN FROM ADDING UNSOLICITED REFERENCES, RECOMMENDATIONS OR MATERIALS. Send only
those requested. Do not add newspaper clippings, photographs, research papers, certificates or other unsolicited materials. Extraneous letters of recommendation other than the two teacher references and the counselor’s recommendation and other unsolicited materials will be removed from applications. The selection panel will not see them.
■ NOTIFICATION OF FINAL STATUS: Notification is by first-class letter to the applicant’s home address, early in the third week of April. This information is not available in advance or over the Internet or by telephone.
■ UNDERSTANDINGS: The Pennsylvania Governor’s Schools of Excellence cannot provide individual assessments or grant appeals to the selection process. Furthermore, the Pennsylvania Governor’s Schools of Excellence and the Pennsylvania Department of Education are not responsible for late, lost, incorrectly addressed, incomplete or damaged applications.
■ TEACHER REFERENCES: Select one science teacher and one other teacher/adviser, as per the guidelines on the respective forms, pages 5 – 6 and 7 – 8 of the application, to serve as references. Fill out the information lines on the tops of the forms, give to teachers. The teachers complete the forms and send them directly to the counselor, to maintain confidentiality.
■ GUIDANCE COUNSELOR RECOMMENDATION: Fill out the information lines on the top of the form (page 9) and give the full form (pages 9 – 10) to the counselor.
■ PERSONAL DATA FORM: Complete the information lines on page 3 of the application and respond to the prompts on page 4 (narrative statement, resume of extracurricular activities and chief essay). Staple the responses to the prompts to the form. Give the completed form to the guidance counselor.
■ SUBMISSION: As per in the instructions on the Counselor’s recommendation, the counselor coordinates the applicant’s Personal Data Form, the two teacher references, the counselor’s information (page 10) and the applicant’s transcript and current report card. The counselor sends the application to the office of the Pennsylvania Governor’s Schools of Excellence --PGSAS, Pennsylvania Department of Education, 333 Market Street, 8th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333, no later than the postmark deadline. No new information will be accepted after the deadline.
■ STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: The applicant or the counselor may attach a SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED POSTCARD for the acknowledgment of the receipt of the PGSAS application. If this has not been received three weeks after posting the application, contact the Information Line, (570) 524-5244 or e-mail pgse@csiu.org.
■ (570) 524-5244, weekdays 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., except holidays. E-mail: pgse@csiu.org. Website: www.pgse.org. -2-
2008 PGSAS Application
2008 PGSAS Personal Data Form PROCEDURES
␣ Read page 2 of this application. ␣ TYPE OR CLEARLY PRINT IN DARK INK ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE. ␣ COMPLETE Parts I, II, III and IV. Staple responses required in Part II to this form. Read and sign Part III. The
parent/legal guardian must read and sign Part IV. ␣ Submit the completed form and attached responses to the guidance counselor before the deadline date. ␣ The postmark deadline is Friday February 1, 2008. ␣ This form expires on February 1, 2008 and cannot be used for subsequent submissions. Current applications are
available online at www.pgse.org. ␣ Information: (570) 524-5244, weekdays, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., except holidays.
PART I: Student Information
Student’s Name__________________________________________________________________ ␣ Male or ␣ Female first middle last
Permanent Home Address_____________________________________________________________________________________
street or box number street or route city state zip Home Telephone (__________)________________________________ (No cell numbers unless no other home phone is available.)
Name of High School ________________________________________________________ ␣ Public or ␣Non-Public Name of School District in which you reside (even if you do not attend the public school) __________________________________
Parent’s or Legal Guardian’s Full Name _________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s or Legal Guardian’s Home Address ______________________________________________________________________
street or box number street or route city state zip
Student’s Date of Birth ________/________/__________
month day year
OPTIONAL: How do you identify yourself? Please check one below. This information is confidential and will be used for statistical accounting.
␣African American ␣Asian ␣Caucasian/White ␣Hispanic/Latino␣Indian (Asian) ␣Middle Eastern ␣Native American Indian/Alaskan/Hawaiian ␣Other_________________________________
␣Agriculture ␣Biology ␣Advanced Biology ␣Field Biology ␣Environmental Science
␣Chemistry I ␣Chemistry II ␣Organic Chemistry ␣Physics I ␣Physics II
␣Calculus ␣Pre-Calculus ␣Trigonometry ␣Geometry ␣Algebra I
␣Economics I ␣Economics II ␣Computer Science I ␣Computer Science II ␣Algebra II
␣Other related courses: __________________ __________________ __________________
Intermediate Unit_________________ Applicant’s Current Grade Level ____
␣ Counselor/Teacher ␣ Program Alumni ␣ Newspaper Article ␣ Website ␣ Other __________________
PART II: PGSAS Application
The following responses are required. Staple your responses to items A, B and C to this page. An application missing any part may be disqualified for incompleteness. These responses receive emphasis in the selection process. The selection criteria is available online at www.pgse.org.
A. NARRATIVE STATEMENT • Format: Essay format, one page maximum, typed/word-processed, double-spaced, letter quality font no smaller than 12
points. Your name should appear at the top of the page. Title the essay “Narrative Statement.” • Prompt: Introduce yourself to the selection committee. This statement should reveal your personality, special concerns or
dreams, hobbies, unusual experiences you may have had and what intrigues you about the agricultural sciences.
B. EXTRACURRICULAR RESUME • Format: Resume format, two page maximum, typed/word-processed, single- or double-spaced, letter quality font no smaller
than 12 points. Your name should appear at the top of each page. • Prompt: List extracurricular (outside of class) activities, special study projects or activities in which you have been involved
in the past two years, in your school, community or personal pursuits. Identify your role in each. Please also list academic awards or special recognition you have received in high school and the nature and source of each.
C. CHIEF ESSAY • Format: Essay format, two pages maximum, typed/word-processed, double-spaced, letter quality font no smaller than 12
points. Your name should appear at the top of both pages. Title the first page with the specific topic of the essay. Cite sources
used for factual evidence, using footnotes or a source list at the end of the essay. • Prompt: Discuss a current issue related to the agricultural sciences. You may select the issue from any of the subjects listed
under “D” below. Discuss the problems and possible approaches or solutions you would recommend. Explain your interest in the issue you select.
D. Which aspects of the agricultural sciences interest you? Check all that apply:
␣Agricultural Business ␣Agricultural Engineering ␣Agricultural Education ␣ Agronomy
␣Animal Science ␣Environmental Science
␣ Entomology ␣Food Science ␣ Forestry ␣ Genetics ␣International Agriculture ␣Land Conservation
␣ Natural Resources ␣ Plant Science ␣ Research ␣ Soil Science
␣ Sustainable Agriculture ␣ Toxicology
␣ V eterinary Medicine ␣ Wildlife ␣ Other:
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
PART III: Applicant’s Statement and Signature
• I certify that to the best of my knowledge all of the information I have provided is accurate and that the work submitted is my own. I acknowledge that information about my selection to the Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences and the projects I may develop there may be shared with the public.
• I understand that it is my responsibility to return this form and the required attachments to my guidance counselor. • I recognize that it is my responsibility to stay in touch with my guidance counselor to ensure that the application is filed in
complete form, postmarked by the appropriate date and mailed to the Department of Education.
APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE ______________________________________________ DATE _________________________
PART IV: Parent/Guardian’s Statement and Signature
• I have reviewed the information on this form and give my permission for my child to proceed with the application procedures. I authorize my child’s school and its employees to release any information necessary for this application.
• I recognize that it is my child’s responsibility to ensure that the complete application is filed in accordance with the stated deadline, in the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
• I understand that the application becomes the property of the Pennsylvania Governor’s Schools of Excellence and cannot be returned. I am aware that the Pennsylvania Governor’s Schools cannot respond to requests for individual assessments or appeals.
PARENT/GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE ______________________________________ DATE _________________________
2008 PGSAS Personal Data Form
2008 PGSAS Science Teacher Reference Form
Applicant’s Name ___________________________ High School ________________________________ Name of Teacher ____________________________
Counselor _________________________________ Current Grade Level ________________________ Subject____________________________________
PROCEDURES 1. WHO MAY COMPLETE THIS FORM: A teacher in any subject considered “science,” who has had the applicant in class
or as an advisee, may complete this form. The choice of the reference is the applicant’s. The applicant need not be studying with the reference at present; however, the student should be careful to choose someone who can best and most completely answer all questions on both sides of this form. Parents or legal guardians may not complete forms for their children. Homeschoolers should call the PGSE Information Line at (570) 524-5244 for advice on references.
2. BOTH SIDES OF THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED FROM PARTS I THROUGH IV. Using the criteria below, and on the reverse of this page (page 6), please evaluate the applicant in detail. The Governor’s School is seeking evidence of mature and conscientious study; a commitment to examining complex issues related to the agricultural and environmental sciences; the ability to apply analytical processes, research and technology and the flexibility to work both independently and in cooperation with culturally diverse peers and adults.
3. This form must be signed and dated on the reverse side (page 6) in Part IV. 4. Please complete this form and return it immediately to the student’s counselor. The counselor must be able to mail the
complete application no later than the application postmark deadline, Friday, February 1, 2008. 5. The application will be disqualified if it is late or incomplete. Current application forms can be downloaded from
www.pgse.org. 6. This form expires Friday, February 1, 2008 and may not be used for submission after that date.
Part I
For each item below, please assess the applicant by assigning one of the following values:
A = Exceptional B = Above Average C = Average
____analytical ability ____initiative and independence ____written communication skills ____oral expression ____interaction with others
Part II
How does the applicant compare in overall promise with other students with whom you have had contact in the last three years? Please check one statement below:
␣Among the very best I have known ␣Very good, but not the very best ␣ Average ␣Below average
D = Below Average E = No Opportunity to Observe
____reaction to and use of criticism ____industry and energy level ____ability to do creative research ____leadership activities ____organizational skills
PART III: Summary Comments
Please write a statement about this applicant’s strengths and weaknesses, explaining why you rated the applicant as you did in Parts I and II. Please cite examples of outstanding contributions, achievements or challenges. Your response is important and will assist the selection committee in understanding if this student is ready for a sustained, intensive living/learning experience.
You may use the space below or staple a letter to this form. Please check here if you are attaching a letter ␣.
PART IV: Recommendation
Please check one selection below to indicate your recommendation for the applicant for the Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences.
␣Highly recommended ␣Recommended ␣Recommended with reservations ␣Not recommended
Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date __________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________ How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant? ___________________________________________
2008 PGSAS Science Teacher Reference Form
2008 PGSAS Other Teacher/Adviser Reference Form
Applicant’s Name ___________________________ High School ________________________________ Name of Teacher ____________________________
Counselor __________________________________ Current Grade Level_________________________ Subject ____________________________________
1. WHO MAY COMPLETE THIS FORM: While a science teacher is required to complete the Science Teacher Reference Form, the applicant may select a different subject teacher or youth-agriculture adviser to complete this form. The choice of the reference is the applicant’s. The applicant need not be studying with the reference at present; however, the student should be careful to choose someone who can best and most completely answer all questions on both sides of this form. Parents or legal guardians may not complete forms for their children. Homeschoolers should call the PGSE Information Line at (570) 524-5244 for advice on references.
2. BOTH SIDES OF THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED FROM PARTS I THROUGH IV. Using the criteria below, and on the reverse of this page (page 8) please evaluate the applicant in detail. The Governor’s School is seeking evidence of mature and conscientious study; a commitment to examining complex issues related to the agricultural and environmental sciences; the ability to apply analytical processes, research and technology and the flexibility to work both independently and in cooperation with culturally diverse peers and adults.
3. This form must be signed and dated on the reverse side (page 8) in Part IV. 4. Please complete this form and return it immediately to the student’s counselor. The counselor must be able to mail the
complete application no later than the application postmark deadline, Friday, February 1, 2008. 5. The application will be disqualified if it is incomplete. Current application forms can be downloaded from www.pgse.org. 6. This form expires Friday, February 1, 2008 and may not be used for submission after that date.
Part I
For each item below, please assess the applicant by assigning one of the following values:
A = Exceptional B = Above Average C = Average
____analytical ability ____initiative and independence ____written communication skills ____oral expression ____interaction with others
Part II
How does the applicant compare in overall promise with other students with whom you have had contact in the last three years? Please check one statement below:
␣Among the very best I have known ␣Very good, but not the very best ␣ Average ␣Below average
D = Below Average E = No Opportunity to Observe
____reaction to and use of criticism ____industry and energy level ____ability to do creative research ____leadership activities ____organizational skills
PART III: Summary Comments
Please write a statement about this applicant’s strengths and weaknesses, explaining why you rated the applicant as you did in Parts I and II. Please cite examples of outstanding contributions, achievements or challenges. Your response is important and will assist the selection committee in understanding if this student is ready for a sustained, intensive living/learning experience.
You may use the space below or staple a letter to this form. Please check here if you are attaching a letter ␣.
PART IV: Recommendation
Please check one selection below to indicate your recommendation for the applicant for the Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences.
␣Highly recommended ␣Recommended ␣Recommended with reservations ␣Not recommended
Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date __________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________ How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant? ___________________________________________
2008 PGSAS Other Teacher/Adviser Reference Form
Applicant’s Name High School Counselor’s Name School Address Science Teacher Ref.
2008 PGSAS Guidance Counselor
Recommendation Form
_________________________________ Intermediate Unit _____________________________________ _________________________________ Applicant’s Current Grade Level ________________________ _________________________________ Office Telephone (______) ______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Other Teacher/Adv. Ref.________________________________
INFORMATION: (570) 524-5244, weekdays, except holidays.
PART I: Procedures Checklist
␣ Required: This applicant must be a current sophomore or junior. No other grade levels are eligible.
␣ Required: Complete both sides of this form, Parts II – VIII, filling in all information requested in Parts IV and V, even if it appears on the transcript. An application missing information may be disqualified for incompleteness.
␣ Required: Attach the applicant’s TRANSCRIPT and current grades as requested in Part III.
␣ Optional, but recommended: Attach a LETTER, if you wish, in response to Part VII. Otherwise write in space provided.
␣ Required: The applicant returns to you the completed PERSONAL DATA FORM with REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: the narrative statement, extracurricular resume and chief essay. You are encouraged to set a “pre” deadline by which the applicant returns this material to you.
␣ Required: Teachers selected as references by the student complete the SCIENCE TEACHER REFERENCE and the OTHER TEACHER/ADVISER REFERENCE and return them directly to you. You are encouraged to establish a “pre” deadline for the return of the Reference Forms.
␣ Optional, but strongly recommended: The counselor or the applicant may attach a SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED POSTCARD for acknowledgment of the receipt of the application packet.
␣ ASSEMBLY REQUIRED: STAPLE the completed application parts in the following order. Please do not attach extra references or material not requested in the application.
␣ Optional: Self Addressed, Stamped Receipt Postcard. ␣ Required: PGSAS Personal Data Form. ␣ Required: Required Attachments to the Personal Data Form: narrative statement, resume, chief essay. ␣ Required: One PGSAS Science Teacher Reference Form. ␣ Required: One PGSAS Other Teacher/Adviser Reference Form. ␣ Required: PGSAS Guidance Counselor Recommendation (this form, completed). ␣ Optional: Your separate letter of recommendation for this applicant. ␣ Required: The Applicant’s Transcript and Current Report Card.
␣ This form expires Friday, February 1, 2008 and may not be used for submission after that date. Current applications can be downloaded from www.pgse.org.
PART II: Deadline Notice and Submission Address ␣ SEND APPLICATION TO: Pennsylvania Governor’s Schools of Excellence—PGSAS
Pennsylvania Department of Education 333 Market Street 8th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
POSTMARK DEADLINE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2008. The complete application must be postmarked by Friday, February 1, 2008 and received in the Department of Education no later than Thursday, February 7, 2008 by 4:00 p.m. Applications received after February 7, regardless of postmark, will be DISQUALIFIED. Faxed transmissions will not be accepted.
␣ WARNING: Certified, registered or first-class mail is subject to delays despite claims to the contrary. If waiting until the deadline to post the application, use a two-day or overnight delivery service.
PART III: Transcript ␣ Attach the applicant’s transcript and current report card to this form.
PART IV: Attendance Record
␣ Number of absences in the last full academic year ________ IMPORTANT: If the number exceeds 10, please state reason(s) and whether the number has remained high this year.
␣ Number of tardies in the last full academic year _________ IMPORTANT: If the number exceeds five, please state reason(s) and whether the pattern of tardiness has changed in the current year.
PART V: Academic Scores and Standing
␣ Complete the following information as thoroughly as possible, even if it appears on the transcript. Please report scores and not percentiles. If there are no PSAT or SAT scores to report, please explain why:
Class rank, if available _______ Class size _______ Grade Point Average _______ Scale _______
Test Scores: PSATs: Verbal/Critical Reading______ Writing______ Math______ Date___________ SATs: Verbal/Critical Reading______ Writing______ Math______ Date___________
Other Tests (Please define acronyms): Date_________ Test _____________________________________________ Date_________ Test _____________________________________________ Date_________ Test _____________________________________________
PART VI: Counselor’s Recommendation
␣ Please check one selection below to indicate your recommendation for the applicant for the Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences:
␣ Highly recommended ␣ Recommended ␣ Recommended with reservations ␣ Not recommended PART VII: Counselor’s Statement
␣ Please comment on the applicant’s special qualities, challenges or problems of which the selection committee should be aware. You may attach a letter, if necessary, or use this space. Check this box if attaching a letter: ␣.
PART VIII: Counselor’s Signature
␣ The information I have provided is complete and correct. ␣ I have read the Procedures (Part I of this form) and the Deadline and Submission information (Part II) on page 9. I understand
that an application may be disqualified if it is late, incomplete or sent to an incorrect agency. ␣ I understand that the applicant can be disqualified on the basis of grade level ineligibility, residency ineligibility, previous
Governor’s School participation, application to more than two Governor’s Schools in a year, plagiarism or falsification of information.
Counselor’s Signature and Date ________________________________________________________________________________
- 10 -
2008 PGSAS Guidance Counselor Recommendation Form
The Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences
A Pennsylvania Governor’s School of Excellence sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Education at The Pennsylvania State University, June 29 – August 2, 2008
The agricultural sciences address many challenges of life in the 21st century: renewable resources, environmental studies, genetic engineering, food development and management, water quality, veterinary medicine, plant science, geospatial technology, toxicology, forestry, wildlife management and more. As a leading agricultural state, Pennsylvania stands ready to take advantage of expert scientists and technologists in these fields, and the Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences (PGSAS) provides a program of activities to stimulate interest, leadership and creativity in talented high school students who have the potential to address local, national and global concerns.
Who May Apply
Academically talented high school students who are current sophomores or juniors at the time of the application deadline may apply to the Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences. Applicants are asked to demonstrate academic achievement, an interest in science experiences and a record of leadership and service activities. The application postmark deadline is February 1, 2008.
The Selection Process
The application has four parts. The applicant completes the Personal Data Form, attaching essays. Two teachers complete reference forms; a science teacher must complete one and another teacher or adviser, the second. The applicant’s guidance counselor completes a recommendation form, including the student’s transcript, attendance record and, if available, test scores and class standing. A committee comprised of Penn State faculty, agricultural and environmental education advisers and officials from the Pennsylvania Department of Education reads the applications.
The panel emphasizes that the applicant’s essays reveal excellent written expression, originality of thought, the ability to contribute to a living/learning community and a strong interest in agricultural issues. The extracurricular resume is reviewed for evidence of leadership, initiative and interest in pursuing science and related issues beyond the classroom. The transcript and teacher references reveal academic commitment and strengths.
Costs and Commitment
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides tuition, room, board, instructional materials and program activities for all participants. Families are responsible for transportation to and from the program, pocket money, a residential life deposit that is refunded if all conditions are met and for damages not covered by the deposit. Students must remain in residence for the full 35-day program, including weekends. They are ex- pected to arrive promptly for all classes and activities. There is some unscheduled time nearly every day for personal use, but the Governor’s School cannot provide special facilities or alter schedules for formal athletic training, intensive music study or other commitments unrelated to the program.
8:00 – 11:50 a.m. Noon 1:00 – 4:50 p.m.
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. 7:00 – 9:30 p.m.
Core courses or ISP* work time. Lunch Core courses or ISP work time, electives in Weeks 4 and 5 Dinner ISP meetings, leadership training, seminars, special workshops, committee meetings
* ISP = Independent Study Project
Saturdays: In the morning, various curricular activities, ISP work and field trips. In the afternoons and evenings, field trips, planned program activities and recreation. Sundays: Personal time in mornings; cultural, service or recreational activities scheduled for afternoons.
The panel will select 64 students.
See other side for curriculum, faculty and facilities information.
Edward G. Rendell, Governor
Gerald Zahorchak, D.Ed., Secretary of Education
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The Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences Program of Learning
All students take core courses plus two to four electives. Core courses often involve more than one type of class plus laboratory experiences. Students also pursue the Independent Study Project (ISP) and receive leadership training. The program’s Seminar component offers advice on higher education and career opportunities. Guest lecturers, discussion groups and field trips round out the schedule. Course offerings are revised each year and ISP projects depend on current professional research being undertaken at the Pennsylvania State University College of Agricultural Sciences.
Core Course Themes
Animal Science: Classes in anatomy, genetic engineering, reproductive science, uses of animals in research and animal welfare.
Agricultural and Biological Engineering:
Environmental, biological, food, composting and wood engineering.
Food Science: The application of science and technology to the processing, packaging and distribution of food products from the farm to the consumer.
Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation:
Indoors and outdoors, lectures, projects and discussions related to community and environmental issues, wildlife, water studies and forestry.
Plant Science and Tissue Culture: Creative problem- solving related to plant production and management.
Cultural and Creative Studies: Unique workshops look at how culture influences the behaviors and choices that shape human resources. Other activities help students enhance their scientific thinking through creative processes. All students keep personal electronic portfolios and reflective journals.
Community Awareness: Through interactive, hands-on learning experiences, students develop an awareness of issues that directly affect their lives. Emphasis is placed on the development of knowledge and skills appropriate for taking an active part in decision-making within their local communities and the world around them.
Elective offerings vary from year to year. Recent courses have included soil and water conservation, insect management, environmental resource engineering, toxicology, meat science, veterinary science, agroecology, forestry, geospatial technology and agribusiness.
Research Opportunities
Independent Study Project (ISP): Students select a research project from a varied list of current professional research at the Pennsylvania State University College of Agricultural Sciences. The professor conducting the activity and graduate assistants serve as mentors. PGSAS students use scientific research methodology, including problem identification, resource selection, project design and formal presentation.
Computer Laboratory: Students take a course in computer solutions to assist them in the research and presentation.
The Pennsylvania State University College of Agricultural Sciences is one of the nation’s oldest and leading institutions in the field. PGSAS students study primarily with research scientists and professors on the faculty of the College of Agricultural Sciences. Students have access to major laboratories, experimental farms, animal herds and facilities, greenhouses, conservation sites and libraries. Special field trips include behind-the- scenes tours of industry and research related organizations. PGSAS students are housed on campus in supervised, gender separate quarters. They dine in a campus dining hall.
INFORMATION: (570) 524-5244 or (814) 865-7521 PGSE Website: www.pgse.org ␣ E-mail: pgse@csiu.org PGSAS Website: http://governorschool.cas.psu.edu
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This page last updated on December 16, 2008 2:42 PM UnknownRow 2: Ruth Rudy, Ellen Cherchuck, Angie Bollinger, Dianna Ertman, Kathy Renda, Carol Trimber, Elizabeth Starling, Michele Swope, Robin Parker, Tammy Conklin, Greg Stanko, Tom Chang, Kerry Golden, Laurie Smith, Dat Nguyen, Nicole Rovner, Brenda Yanak, Sue Johnson, Peg Luckovich, Emiline Hood
Row 3: James Mortensen, Sharon Mortensen, Dana Ernst, Paula Troxell, Jennifer Perloff, Sharon Johnson, Jason Tsai, Mark Handke, Mike Hathaway, Chang Shon, Kathryn Cahir, Scott Golla Kymberly Morris, Amy O’Meara, Bill Lantz, Richard Grubb
Row 4: Helen Love, Jon Merkle, Jim Sherman, Irene Benner, Brenda Moslock, Jennie Groover, Scott Kane, Leslie Bowen, Jennifer Haberlen, Truyen Huynh, Brenton Henry, Brian McIlwain, Jennifer Mellor
Row 5: Gene Love, Jane Cooper, Steve Fuegi, Joe DuShaw, Tony Adamo, Benjamin Gruber, Jonathan Tyma, Paul Swartz, Adam Rishel, Dave Kanter, Jennifer Bolin, Dale Smith, Randy Risser, Jeff Stoltzfus, Brian Kost, Leo Faucette, Lamartine Hood
The agricultural sciences address many challenges of life in the 21st century: renewable resources, environmental studies, genetic engineering, food development and management, water quality, veterinary medicine, plant science, geospatial technology, toxicology, forestry, wildlife management and more. As a leading agricultural state, Pennsylvania stands ready to take advantage of expert scientists and technologists in these fields, and the Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences (PGSAS) provides a program of activities to stimulate interest, leadership and creativity in talented high school students who have the potential to address local, national and global concerns.
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